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Catastrophic Injuries

25 Jan Personal Injury | Comments Off on Catastrophic Injuries
Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic Injuries

A catastrophic injury may render an individual permanently disabled. Catastrophic injuries are any injuries that have serious, long-term effects on the victim. If compensation is not received for catastrophic injuries, the physical, emotional and financial strains can be devastating.
Catastrophic injuries usually affect far more than just the victim. They can often put excruciating stress on the victim’s family, as the victim may need constant supervision or assistance for the rest of their lives. Often a victim is a parent with responsibilities to other family members, and can no longer provide for loved ones. Catastrophic injuries can be caused by any number of circumstances, and the results of the catastrophic injury can last for months, years, or a lifetime. Some of the most common catastrophic injuries result in damage to the back, head, brain, spinal cord, skin or organs. Burns, paralysis, paraplegia and quadriplegia are possible results from catastrophic injuries.

The worst injuries prevent gainful employment or any ability to earn income, reduce quality of life, and create ripples of family stress. Catastrophic injuries to the brain can even change a person’s personality, alter their memory, or prevent them from recognizing family or loved ones
When catastrophic injury happens, it may be helpful to seek the guidance and advice of an attorney. If someone is catastrophically injured by another person’s negligence or recklessness, the injured person has a legal right to hold that person responsible. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you make your case and collect the maximum possible financial compensation. That money can’t reverse a catastrophic injury, but it can help victims get the care they need to live with dignity and independence. A personal injury attorney will work with you to recover compensation for damages. Compensation for damages often include lost wages and lost future wages, loss of enjoyment of life; mental anguish, pain, suffering, medical bills, permanent disability.

If you or someone you know has suffered a catastrophic injury caused by the negligence or carelessness of another, contact Michael Todd Rebuck, P.A. today. We will provide you with a free evaluation and consultation.